California Dental Insurance, Other Whitening Options
Another natural method of whitening is to brush with baking soda and rinse with peroxide:
As noted, although the taste will have you reaching for something sweet just to get the awful taste out of your mouth. I recommend a clear soda. This self-method will do the same job as a whitening strip, it’s not pleasing to the pallet but it does get the job done.
If money is not an object and you actually like sitting in the dentist chair then they have some methods that will have you smiling brighter in about an hour. Bleaching, which sounds terrible, is actually the method that Hollywood stars use. Your dentist will fit you with a mouth piece that only covers the teeth.
A gel substance that contains hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide will generally be used. If you’re a person who doesn’t like to breath through your nose or you have a light gag reflex then I don’t recommend this procedure. This usually takes from 30 minutes to two hours and it has amazing results.
The last method, and its last for a reason, is porcelain veneers. These are fitted jackets of white coverings that go over each tooth. This is the most expensive method, each tooth could cost $700 dollars, multiply that times 32, but if you really want to forego the above mentioned procedures then get out your checkbook. Porcelain veneers are the current choice of those who are featured on some TV shows.